
We offer an innovative approach to assessment, combining several methodologies.

To create a balanced and complete picture of the skills and competencies of your new hires and current employees, we employ both standard and innovative assessment tools.

We are well versed and experienced in personality testing and work in close cooperation with highly qualified specialists and universities to stay abreast of advances in assessment methodologies.

To draft a clear picture of the capabilities and opportunities that exist within your talent pool we use several techniques.

As every company, team and individual has different needs, we design customized assessment toolkits.

  • In-depth interviews (competency based, cultural awareness, engagement)
  • 360° interviews with internal and external stakeholders
  • Personality trait tools
  • Potential to grow and improve for future jobs
  • Emotional intelligence scales
  • Career derailers and leadership audit
  • Cultural values

Comprehensive assessments seamlessly integrated with your talent management strategy.



talent development

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